Call For Artists: Our Children Exhibition Prospectus

Our Children Prospectus
Sponsors: Black Artists of DC and Village of Friendship Heights Council
Location: Village of Friendship Heights Center 4433 South Park Ave., Chevy Chase, MD 20815 301-656-2797
Juried Exhibition / Judges: Millie S. Shott (Artist, Curator) John P. Beckley (Artist)
Edith Buffalow (Gallery Owner)
Curator: T. H. Gomillion is a multi-media artist and educator. He holds a MAT in art from Trinity Washington University and a BS from Winston Salem State University. He has curated exhibitions at the Embassy Of Venezuela, Friendship Heights Art Gallery and exhibited at Howard University, Montpelier art center and the Embassy Of France.
Open to-all Media: Original works, completed within the past three years, will be considered.
Submission Fee: (non-refundable)
BADC Members: (who have paid their annual dues), $30 US dollars for up to 4 images
Non-Member: $45 US dollars
Open to all current members of BADC. Artists who are not already members may join by visiting the BADC web sites: and paying the annual dues.
Dates of Exhibition: Saturday, September 3, 2011 – Sunday October 2, 2011 Submission Deadline: July 15, 2011, 6:00 PM (in hand).
Exhibition Description: the exhibition will focus on how we as artists visually express our children's individualism. Our children are our vessels for tomorrow's promises. They are strong, intelligent, precious, curious and tenacious. Our children laugh, cry, and are vulnerable to fear. For many the love of friends creates powerful memories and inspiration, which guide their life trajectories toward success. They know the wonder of discovery and some have had experiences that have tested their tender sense of resolve and courage. Childhood in today's world can be bittersweet, for far too many of our children are feeling the gnawing pain of hunger and the loss of friends to violence. This exhibition will celebrate childhood from varying perspectives, and through many lenses. This is a praise song, which is offered to our beautifully resilient children.
Notification of Selected Artists / Delivery Instructions: Artists will be notified of acceptance or non acceptance no later than Friday, August 5, 2011. Notification will be made by email and/or by phone. All art must be hand delivery to Friendship Heights Center Gallery (do not ship artwork): Saturday, September 3, 2011, 9:00 am to 11:00 am.Distribution of Invitations: To Be Announced
Opening: Sunday, September 4, 2011, 11:30 am-1:30 pm Public Reception: Sunday, September 10, 2011, 11:30 am-1:30 pm Closing: Saturday, October 1, 2011 Deadline for picking up work: Sunday, October 2, 2011, 11:00 am-1:00pm Any artwork not picked up by Sunday, October 2, 2011 will be charged a fee of $20.00 per day thereafter and pickup will be at Adobe Art Gallery in DC, (Edith Buffalow-202-529-9006).
Submission Guidelines:
Artists may submit up to 4 digital JPEG images, at 300 DPI. For sculptural or three-dimensional pieces, 2 images may be submitted for each work. The images must be submitted on a CD, in JPEG format only. No files larger than 2MB. Image files on the CD should be titled as follows: last name first, first name, title and number corresponding to the Submission Form. The same information must also be written on the Submission Form, including the price. Artwork submitted must be no larger than: 2D and 3D – 30"x40" framed. Please do not send originals. CDs will only be returned if a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) with sufficient postage is included. Submit a short bio and artist's statement (1 page total).
Payment: entry fee, payable in US dollars can be paid by cash, to the Treasurer in person or by check or money order. Please make checks or money orders payable to "BADC". Please send Payment, CD, Bio/Artist's Statement and Submission Form to: Black Artists of DC: "Our Children"
C/O T.H. Gomillion 3218 Chestnut St. NE, Washington, D.C. 20018 Contact Number: 202-269-2757, Email Address:
Terms: Works in the show do not have to be for sale. Works must remain in the gallery for the duration of the exhibition.
Sales: Sale price are determined by the artist. Friendship Heights Center will handle all sales and take a 20% commission.
Insurance: BADC provides damage and theft insurance for works in the exhibition through the duration of the exhibition from Saturday, September 3, 2011 – Sunday October 2, 2011.
Frames / Mounting / Artwork: frames and mounting must be of fine quality, consistent with painting/photographs, with attached wire. For sculpture or three-dimensional work, pedestals will be provided by the center. If the quality of the submitted artwork does not match the JPEG image it will not be accepted for the exhibition.
*We reserve the right to use submitted images and information for inclusion in the exhibition, catalogs and/or other promotional endeavors to publicize the exhibition.Labels: Black Art Project, Black Artists of DC, Edith Buffalow, Friendship Heights Council, John P. Beckley, Millie S. Shott
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