DC Fine Art Exposition Aug. 10 –12 2007
DC Fine Art Exposition Aug. 10 –12 2007
The DC Fine Art Exposition was the first of more shows to come to the
greater Washington area. This is just the type of fine art exhibition that
our metropolitan area needs. You have shows like of this scale already in
Baltimore, NY, Philly and many other metropolitan areas, but it has not
happened in Washington, DC until now.
Albeit that the first show LACKED an audience that the participating artists
deserved, it certainly did not lack in great artists displaying their
art . Some artists included three if BADC folks, Michael Platt, Crystal
Pittman and Ann Williams. Ann sold a couple of originals too !!
Lisa Jones, Frank Frazier, Ted Ellis, Donna Thurgeon, Ron Witherspoon,
George Nock, Ernani Silva, Larry Poncho Brown, Zenith Jenkins, Timbutktu Art
Colony from Atlanta, artist from Chicago, Texas, Russia, Piccaso, Deborah
Shedrick, Basil Watson (Jamaican Scultpor who is off the chain), and many
others. Needless to say there was a very diverse group of artists that
exhibited, which was such a wonderful experience for all.
artists. However, the artists were all good sports through it all and
during the exhibit collectively came together to strategize for 2008 DC Fine
Art Exhibition to work together through the year of preparation to ensure it
is well attended and makes an indelible mark on art lovers and collectors in
the region.
the participating artists together has already reported to me that she has
secured the backing for 2008 show ! All artists interested in being
pioneers for pulling together what is going to be an eventual success story
should stay tuned for updates.
Crystal Pittman, Artist/Painter
website: www.cpittmanart.com
email: crystal@cpittmanart.com
All content © 2007 Black Artists of DC all rights reserved.
For permission to reproduce contact: editor@blackartistsofdc.org
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